
True Love

Posted on by Joe Cavazos

Here’s another personal project I finished up last week. After working on the “Broken For You” piece, I wanted to push the polygon technique further.  

While doing the research for this project I came across stain glass pieces of art depicting the crucifixion of Christ and wanted to bring some of the same feel into this illustration. 

The scripture that came to mind while working on this was John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."  

This is probably the first verse I ever memorized and have heard all my life.  However, now that I'm a father this verse has taken on a deeper meaning and has shown me a glimpse of God's love.  I can't imagine what God went through giving up His only son for the sin of man kind.  This has to be love in it's truest form.  

True Love
I’ve made resource files available for purchase here.   

"Broken For You" Process

Posted on by Joe Cavazos

This project started back in early October. It’s been a while since I’ve been able to spend this much time on a piece.  Three months might not be that long to some, but for a guy who’s used to turning several projects on a weekly basis, three months is an eternity.  

In November,  I reached a point where I felt this project was complete.  I believe it was more me trying to shelve it due to already spending a month on it. This is the beauty of personal projects, one can decide when it’s finished.  

The illustration is inspired by the last super of Christ, but more specifically the verse in 1 Corinthians 11:24, where He says "this is my Body which is broken for you."

This technique was heavily inspired by some of the geometric design that I've seen on the intrawebs and dribbble, but most heavily influenced by the work from , those guys are killing it.

Below are some screen shots taken throughout the process.  


I've made the this series art avilable for download on here:

Broken For You


Posted on by Joe Cavazos

This is a new illustration I finished up this week.  Last fall I heard a song by John Mark McMillan entitled, “Death In His Grave.” The first line of bridge, “He(Christ) cheated hell....,” stuck with me and is what inspired this artwork.  I believe one can’t appreciate the light and joy of the resurrection without acknowledging the dark hell and death Christ went through.  


Check out the different formats available for download here.  

"White Christmas" Ryan Johns

Posted on by Joe Cavazos

"White Christmas"  Single Artwork

Ryan looked me up a few weeks back and told me about this single he was working on for Christmas.  He sent me a preview of the music, and since I'm a sucker for smooth holiday jams, I had to jump on the project. The best part is he featured his 85 year old grandfather on the track.  Go to itunes now and download this single to add to your Christmas playlist. 

"Can You See It" Poster Design Screenlapse

Posted on by Joe Cavazos

I had the opportunity to design a poster and keyart for Southeaster Spanish District's 2012 Youth Convention. In talking with the director, he wanted artwork to show something big coming.   The type was created in Cinema 4D with some compositing, texturing and color treatment in photoshop to finish it off.  Below is a screen-lapse recording of the design process from beginning to end.  

Can You See It | Youth Conference Poster

Impact Sermon Series

Posted on by Joe Cavazos

This past weekend we launched a new sermon series at PVC.  The series is primarily based on the idea of the positive impact we should have and how those experiences connect to others. 

 Impact Series

The design itself was pretty simple, a image with some vector connection orbs and a bit curves color toning. The haziness of the image and how it focused not on the person but the action of touching something is what I wanted to communicate.  

Once the artwork was approved the idea of making it into a bumper video came up. This was a challenge our team quickly jumped on.   

The frosted galss look was accomplished by sitcking a window treatment film, we purchased at Home Depot for $20, over a normal piece of plexiglass.  The rest was editing magic by my brother Oz.