So sitting here watching the Eagles vs Cowboys shootout and I'm still feeling the aftermath of yesterday! The day started out with a phone call from Mitch at 5:30 am, we had to take down a 13ft x 20ft banner we had hanging in the sanctuary. Here it is setup for the volunteer banquet.
I got to experience service from from the back of sound board. This brought my respect and love for sound man to a new level. It's really easy as a musician to think that the sound job is a breeze. I have never been so nervous. I soon realize that It takes more then knowing what gain knobs or phantom power are. It takes nerves of steal and some patience. Thank God I made it through all three services with no big hick-ups, just a couple of stares. To every church sound person out, I LOVE YOU. Keep doing what you do and crank up that ELECTRIC guitar!
Rick finished the series off by talking about Religion as a Roadblock. I think this illustration sums it up well. How there use to be the gap of sin separating us from God. But know we are living in a post-christian society where the Christian Sub-Culture needs to be crossed first. Probably one of the most thought provoking sermons I've listen too, please take some time and check it out here.
After service staff and volunteers stayed to setup for the volunteer banquet that took place two building down. A great time to thank the volunteers for their commitment. Last year Rick challenged us to wrench it up and it showed. Around 300 volunteers came out. We look back at some images from last year and some of the stories of life change. Before the night was over Rick challenged us to wrench it up some more by launching the "Church I See Campaign". More to come on this as the weeks go by. Needless to say we will be busy this week working on a new stage set, I'm anxious to see what is to come in the next few months.
This post is part of Creative Chaos on