
10 church creative lid lifters

Posted on by Joe Cavazos

I believe the best way for me to grow is to surround myself with people that are better then me. People that can raise the lid of predictability. Without them even knowing, these individuals are helping me raise the bar of creativity. Who are some people or orginazations that are helping raise yours?

1.Carlos Whittaker

Among being a christian webblog rockstar he is also the Service Program Director for Buckhead Church in Atlanta. Whatever this guy does whether its leading worship, blogging, taking pics, he does it full of passion and realism.


2. Cameron Smith

Cameron is a graphic designer for Christ’s Church of The Valley in Peoria, Arizona. This guy has some mad skills and shares a love for bulletin layout.


3. Bryan Clark

Bryan is the Senior Graphic Designer for His designs are gold, you can check out some of his work here as well.


4. Daley Hake

A epic photographer with beautiful lighting and composition. Even though I don't take as much photos as I would like, I can learn a great deal from the compositions and moods of the photos.


5.Barton Damer

Another guy with some mad skills. He's the Creative Director for RT Productions Inc. He pushes the envelope with ways to use media creatively in the local church. His print graphics are great but his motion graphics are sick.



The up and coming Seth Godin of church marketing. Really this guy has a huge passion to see the church communicate with excellence and originality.


Communications Director at Granger Community Church.

Blue Ridge Community Church in Forest, VA.