
The Boring Stuff

Posted on by Joe Cavazos

So in my poor attempt to stay organized I keep all of my task on a iCal to-do list. It’s probably not the best solution but so far it’s working for me. The problem I’ve always had is, I love doing the cool stuff. Posters, shirts and series designs are more tempting then gold to me. I eventually catch up and all I’m left with is the boring stuff. Usually on the bottom of the list are things like forms, booklets, and flossing. Regardless of my likes and dislikes these tasks need to get done.

Getting through the boring stuff requires more inspiration then ColdPlay & Tomlin can offer. So I created a folder called inspiration in my mailbox where I put testimonies and encouraging notes that I’ve collected from my time at PVC. These stories do much more then motivate me to get pass the forms and paper folding, it puts everything into perspective and they remind me why I do what I do.
So how do you handle the boring stuff? What are some particle ways that help you get through the list?